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Some important sequences of films

Armageddon (1998) - President Speech

The scene of president speech is very important for me because we can see the whole world which becomes aware of the situation. The astronauts move towards the space shuttle and are ready to leave on the meteorite. It is intense and moving because each one looks the astronauts like the savers of the world. 

Armageddon - The Launch

The Launch scene is impotant too because the astonauts are in the space shuttle and this one takes off towards the meteorite. It is a little bit stressing and relieving when they take off finally.

Armageddon - Harry says goodbye

Harry says to his daughter goodbye. Harry is sacrified to save planet. It is the scene emotion, because his daughter is proud of him but very sad. Harry is regarded as a hero; he tells his daughter to benefit from the life with A.J. Frost.

Armageddon - Goodbye Harry

Goodbye Harry, a scene very stressing because Harry is alone and must start the bomb but it remains to him that a few seconds and he has problems on the meteorite. NASA waits until he starts the bomb, the seconds ravel and finally he succeeded in pressing on the button and saves the world! His daughter, his team, NASA and the world is proud of him but sad of loses such a courageous man!

Armageddon - Final scene

The Final scene, The world is saved, the astronauts return on the ground without Harry, each one finds its family and its friends. It is the last scene, moving but happy because the team made a success of his mission thanks to Harry. We can see that each civilization is releaved and that the astronauts are thanked by the whole world!